Detailed Selling Lead Description
magnesium iron series QT400-18, QT400-15,QT-450-10,QT500-7,QT600-3
automobile fittings brake calipers, steering knuckles, etc., totaling over 10 types over 50 models including CH6350, KQ 66, etc.
hydraulic castings for foreign trade over 10 types including valve bodies and carriages over 60 models including F501, 20AC, etc.
valves & valve bodies for foreign trade over 10 types including TDF, UDF, 2F2, etc. over 30 models including 2?20?
general castings for foreign trade 15 types including well cover and coupler foot, etc. over 40 models including EL, YF040, etc.
gray iron series HT150、HT200、HT250、HT300
automobile fittings 6 types including brake discs and cylinders over 20 models including SC6350, KQ66, etc.
hydraulic castings for foreign trade 4 types including valve bodies and carriers over 20 models including F361, 6AS, etc.
valves & valve bodies for foreign trade 10 types including TDF, SDF, 2M2, etc. over 30 types including 2?20?
aluminum casting series ZL104、AO3190
automobile fittings over 10 types including cylinders, cylinder covers and air intake manifolds, etc. 15 models including 492Q and CA488